What is Biblical Counseling?


Biblical Counseling is the Christian ministry of skillfully bringing the truth of the Bible to help hurting people who desire change.

Three Key Beliefs

We believe the Bible is the Word of God and has been preserved for us to know how to live a life that pleases God, a life that is trained to know how to respond to the trials and suffering and challenges that one faces in living life in this world. In our counseling ministry, we use the Bible as our final authority for all matters of life.

We believe that we exist in a fallen sin-cursed world and, as such, life is hard. Life is full of heartache, suffering, trials, challenges, etc. Because of this reality, where does one find hope, stability, security, direction, comfort, and answers? In the midst of the challenges of living life, we believe hope is found in a personal, on-going relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that the key to lasting hope and true change is found when one has a right relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. How one can have this relationship is found in the pages of the Bible. How one can develop this relationship is likewise in the pages of the Bible.

We believe that people who come in for counseling want change. Sometimes that change relates to circumstances or sometimes change in relation to another person. Often the change that is desired is change with the person who is sitting in the counseling room. Biblical Counseling lays out a biblical process of change for the person so he or she may find hope and learn to live a life that pleases God. The Bible is very clear about how one can grow and change. The anticipated goal in Biblical Counseling is to help a person learn what our Creator says is the process of growing and changing and ultimately to implement those principles of growth and change into his/her life.

Grace Bible Church

3625 South 19th Ave
Bozeman, MT 59718
T. (406) 586-9782