All the ministries of our church are funded by financial gifts. Motivated by grace, people give to our general operating budget, providing the resources we need to share God’s love. You can give online, at a church service, in person at the church office, or by mailing a check to the church.
There are 3 options for online giving
- www.shelbygiving.com/gbcbzn
- ShelbyNext Giving app available through your app store.
- You can also text “giving” to 406-413-9332. Just send a text message with the dollar amount (for example, if you wanted to send $10, just enter: 10 . No dollar sign; just 10
- If this is your first time giving this way, you will have to fill out a short form with your billing info. After the initial set up, giving is as easy as sending a text message. If you don’t designate a fund with your amount, by default, it goes to our General Fund. To get a list of Funds, text Funds to the number.
Register your account
All 3 options will require you to register an account before you can give if you want to set up recurring giving and not have to enter your bank information each time.
If possible, please use the CHECK option, as it only costs 1% in processing fees versus debit and credit cards that cost closer to 3%. We are accepting giving via credit cards, but please don’t give by credit unless your credit card is paid off in full each month. GBC operates on a no-debt policy and we encourage everyone who gives to do the same.
To Give by Check
Please make checks payable to
Grace Bible Church
and mail to:
3625 South 19th Ave
Bozeman, MT 59718
If you have questions, please email accounting@gbcmt.org, call 406-586-9782 x19 (Eric) or x35 (Holly).