Women's Ministries
Sign Up for Events:
Ladies’ Worship + Prayer Night
Ladies! Join us Friday, September 6 at 7:00pm in the Fireside Room for a time of song worship and prayer.
For more information, contact Heidi at heidis@gbcmt.org.

Women of the Word
Women of the Word begins Monday, September 9th from Noon to 1pm in the Fireside Room.
This year’s content is titled Living on Mission where we will study evangelism and discipleship.
If you desire to serve with childcare, please sign up HERE.
For more information, contact Heidi at heidis@gbcmt.org.
Ladies’ Spring Conference
The Priorities of a Godly Woman
Ladies! Plan on joining Grace Bible Church on March 8, 2025 at our Spring Conference with conference speaker pastor’s wife, Venessa Ellen.
For more information, contact Heidi at heidis@gbcmt.org.
Ladies’ Thanksgiving Brunch
Where: GBC Activity Center
When: November 16th, 9:30 – 11:30am
Registration Deadline: Sunday, November 10th
For more information, contact Heidi at heidis@gbcmt.org.
Women of the Word
Women of the Word will meet again in the fall!
Women of the Word
Mondays, beginning January 15th
Childcare provided
Location: Youth Room
Time: 12pm – 1pm
No sign up required – just show up!

Study of Philippians with Jeanelle Fromelt
Starting: Tuesday, September 19th
Location: City Brew on N. 19th
Time: 6:15am – 7:15am
Sign up below!
Boasting in Weakness with Lori Moore
Starting: Tuesday, September 19th
Location: Grace Bible Church – Rooms 102-103
3rd Tuesdays of the month (Sept – May, except Dec)
Time: 6:30pm – 8pm
Sign up below!
Ladies GO Tea
August 26th, 10am | GBC Chapel
Register using the button below!
Adorning the Doctrine of God
Sign up for one of our ladies’ summer community groups. Each group will start on a specific date and time and by God’s grace there will be a group that fits your schedule. If you have any questions, contact Heidi Summitt in the office: 406-586-9782 x 10 or heidis@gbcmt.org
Study guides available in Grace Books starting Sunday, May 19 for $10.
Women’s Ministry Team
WMT equips women to do the work of ministry in 1) discipling, 2) leadership, 3) teaching, 4) counseling, 5) curriculum planning and 6) perusal of new materials. WMT also oversees service teams who 1) provide meals for families in need, 2) provide refreshments for funeral receptions, 3) clean the church kitchen, 4) wash baptismal gowns, 5) prepare and clean up for communion and 6) facilitate Spring and Fall seminars, retreats and other events for the spiritual growth and fellowship of women.
You can always check out our Facebook Page, too!
Women’s Ministry Service Teams & Opportunities
Serve others in the body of Christ by
- Providing meals for families in need,
- Providing refreshments for funeral receptions,
- Cleaning the church kitchen,
- Preparing communion,
- Helping with seminars, retreats, and other events.
Contact Heidi Summitt at (406) 586-9782 x10.
Women’s Community Groups
We invite all women in our church to be involved in a Community Group. Contact communitygroups@gbcmt.org to lead, host or join.
Cribs by Grace
Cribs by Grace is a group of women from Grace Bible Church who love the Lord Jesus and volunteer our time and service to help new mothers who are in need of assistance in our community. We provide new cribs and assemble them in the homes of individuals who have applied and been approved for participation.
Women Who Qualify
- Have financial need
- Are at least 7 months pregnant or have a child under 12 months of age who lives with them.
- Do not have a safe or usable crib
- Reside in Gallatin County
If you apply and qualify for the program, you will receive a letter of confirmation, followed by a phone call from Cribs by Grace, to arrange a delivery time for your new crib.
Where can I apply?
To apply for a crib, please contact one of the 4 organizations below, and request that someone contact you. A short, easy application will need to be completed.
- LOVE Inc: (406) 587-3008
- ZOE Women’s Services: (406) 586-9444
- Grace Bible Church: (406) 586-9782, ext. 10 (leave a message for Cribs by Grace with the Church Secretary)
- Thrive: (406) 587-3840
Want to Help?
Cribs by Grace welcomes volunteers from within our church.
We appreciate new or handmade baby items.
We rely on individual and corporate donations for support. Checks can be made payable to Grace Bible Church (3625 South 19th Ave, Bozeman, MT 59718), with ‘Cribs by Grace’ on the memo line. All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.
The women of Cribs by Grace are committed to honoring the life that God has made and to loving one another. Thank you for your interest!
“For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13)
Meets Fourth Sunday of each month, 12:00pm, immediately after 2nd worship service.
Location: Room 504
Contact: Lisa Lang, 406-600-7627
Moms in Prayer International
Moms, grandmas, aunts, and teachers gather together to impact children and schools for Christ through scriptural prayer. Prayer groups are meeting in our area for private, public, & home school, so please call for details on our informational kickoff meetings in September.
Contact: Nadine Brown at 587.8228 or larry_nadine@msn.com
by Julie Gossack
KARDIOLOGY 101: How to Guard Your Heart is an 11-week course about the spiritual heart and how to diligently guard it. This study is based on the command found in Proverbs 4:23: “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”
After a long battle with cancer, Julie went to be with the Lord on June 20, 2019. Her impact will be felt for many years, to the glory of God.

Conference Audio/Video
For media from the conference, click here.
Printable Resources:
- Kardiology101 Bible Study
- Discussion Group Guide
- The Character and Attributes of the Godhead
- The Person and Work of Jesus Christ
- The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
- Sinful Roots Cards
- Righteous Roots Cards
- Attributes Reference Cards
- The Diagnostic Heart Chart (fillable form)
- The Character of God (for children)
- Heart Box: Stop sign shapes (for children)
- Heart Box: Heart shapes (for children)
- Children’s U-Turn Heart Chart
- 3×5 SMS Insert
- Spanish: El Caracter y atributos de dios
- Spanish: La Persona y la obra de Jesucristo
- Spanish: El Ministerio del Espiritu Santo
- Spanish: Fichas Raices Pecaminosas
- Spanish: Tarjetas De Raices Justos
- Spanish: Tarjeta De Referencia De Atributos
- Spanish: Diagrama De Diagnostico del Corazon
- Spanish: 3×5 SMS Cover
- Spanish: L Guia SMB De Ignacio Rapido