Global Outreach
Global Outreach Conference 2025
February 13 – 16, 2025
- Sunday, Feb 9 9:00am and 10:45am: Flag Ceremony
- Thursday – Sunday Schedule: follow the link below!
Flag Ceremony (9:00am & 10:45am)
Worship Center
A kick off to our annual conference. Representatives from over 30 nations carry flags of countries around the world. It is fascinating to see how many nations are represented in our church community.
Morning Services (9:00am & 10:45am)
Worship Center
“You Can’t Stop the Work of God” (Acts 2)
Pastor Bryan Hughes
Mission Vision (7:00pm)
Fireside Room
Mission Vision Night
B. & R. F
Main Session #1 (7:00pm)
"Defining & Defending the Gospel to the Death" (2 Tim. 4:6-19)
E.D. Burns
Children’s Program (7:00pm)
Room 102/103
Nursery / 4-6 year old / 7-10 year old
Please register by February 12.
Linking in Prayer (7:00pm)
The Linking in Prayer event is always a conference highlight. This is a tremendous time of prayer, corporate worship, refreshments, and fellowship you won’t want to miss. Join us as we pray for our outreach partners.
Children’s Program (7:00pm)
Room 102/103
Nursery / 4-6 year old / 7-10 year old
Please register by February 12.
Saturday has a full schedule of events. See below for specific details. Please register for Saturday’s events prior to Wednesday, February 12. Register here or call (406) 586-9782 x 10.
Morning Services (9:00am & 10:45am)
Worship Center
"The Countercultural Summons of God" ((Acts 17:16-34)
E.D. Burns
Sunday School with OPs (9:00am)
Various SS Classrooms
Outreach partners will speak in various Sunday school classes throughout the church. Join a Sunday school class and learn how the Lord is working in different ministries and the personal lives of our partners.
All Church Potluck / OP Farewell (NOON)
Activity Center
Please join us for a farewell potluck with our outreach partners. Feel free to bring whatever you’d like, or if your last name begins with A-M, bring a side dish; last name begins with N-Z, bring a salad or dessert.
Breakfast (7:45am)
Doors open at 7:15am
Main Session #2 (8:15am)
"Courage to Carry Out the Great Commission" (2 Tim. 2:1-6)
E.D. Burns
Children's Program (9:15am - 11:30pm)
Room 508
4-6 year old / 7-10 year old. Please register by February 12th.
Seminars - Session #1 (9:15am)
* "Gospel Snacks: Sharing Christ in the Moments of Life"
Fireside Room
B. and R. F
"The Importance of Biblical Truth in Making Disciples"
Jr High Room
Brad Miller
"Loving and Sharing with Arabs as an American Christian"
Youth Room
F. & K. K
"Presenting the Gospel in a First Nations Context"
Room 803
Scott Morningstar
Break with Refreshments (10:15am)
GO Map Fellowship Area
Seminars - Session #2 (10:30am)
"The Costs of Preaching the Gospel Overseas"
Fireside Room
B. and R. F
* "The Importance of Biblical Truth in Making Disciples"
Jr High Room
Brad Miller
"Reaching Internationals to Reach the Nations"
Youth Room
Corey & Sidney Stensberg
"Discipleship in a First Nations Context"
Room 803
Scott Morningstar
Lunch (11:30am)
Q & A Panel Discussion (12:00pm)
* Classes are mandatory for anyone interested in participating on a short-term team or becoming a career outreach partner with Grace Bible Church.

2025 Link Project
Doxa Church San Diego
Doxa Church San Diego is a church plant that Grace has been intimately involved with since their inception in 2023. Pastor Matt Thibault (Lead Pastor at Doxa) spent his tenure at Grace leading the ministry of CrossLife before following God’s call to plant a church outside Montana.
Doxa is a two-year old, ~200 person church primarily composed of active duty military personnel and ethnic diversity that matches the city of San Diego. Doxa’s vision is to make and multiply disciples, laborers, leaders, and churches in San Diego and beyond for the glory of God. In late 2024 they obtained land and a church building and are now campaigning to build capital for a building project. The next steps involve both an immediate remodel and a new build. Doxa hopes to be on-site in the remodeled space by June 2025—they are actively pursuing fundraising for the new build.
Specific details are available at the Link Project display table in the church foyer near the global map. You can give a financial gift online through our Link Project giving page or by writing a check to: Grace Bible Church with “2025 Link Project” on the memo line
Thanks for checking out the Global Outreach Ministry of Grace Bible Church. Since its’ inception in 1945, Grace Bible Church has sought to share Christ locally and globally. That passion is clearly reflected in our purpose statement: “To Be and Make Disciples.” We hope that the information contained here will be of assistance as you seek to be and make disciples both here in Bozeman and around the world! If you have any questions, comments or insights, please feel free to contact us.

Seth and Brittany Bevans
GBC International Student Ministries - Billings

Seth and Brittany Bevans
GBC International Student Ministries - Billings
- Email:sethbevans.ism@gmail.com

E.D. and Dao Burns
Seminary Instructor - Thailand

E.D. and Dao Burns
Seminary Instructor - Thailand
- Email:edburns77@gmail.com

Daniel & Dorota Cichocki
Poland Evangelical Mission

Lynda Collison
TEAM, Swaziland

Lynda Collison
TEAM, Swaziland

Pappy Daniel
Light of Hope, India

Pappy Daniel
Light of Hope, India
- Email:hopemsn@hopemsn.org

Brandon & Beth Fischer
SEND, Huslia AK

Brandon & Beth Fischer
SEND, Huslia AK

Brett & Michelle Hamilton
Church Planting, Poland

Brett & Michelle Hamilton
Church Planting, Poland

Warren & Donna Hiebert
Gallatin County Chaplain

Warren & Donna Hiebert
Gallatin County Chaplain
- Email:chaplain650@gmail.com

Randy & Sherry Jones
Gallatin County Chaplain

Randy & Sherry Jones
Gallatin County Chaplain
- Email:randy_jones@toast.net

Misiker & Meaza Kebede
Spread of Grace, Ethiopia

Nathan & Kaylee Kelm
Ethnos360 Training Center - Missouri

Nathan & Kaylee Kelm
Ethnos360 Training Center - Missouri

Nikolay & Elena Koval
Ukraine for Christ

Nikolay & Elena Koval
Ukraine for Christ
- Email:nik.koval1955@mail.ru

Heather Lytle
Hope of Africa, South Africa & Uganda

Heather Lytle
Hope of Africa, South Africa & Uganda

Scott & Sherri Morningstar
NAIM, Rural Church Ministry

Matthew & Jessica Oswell
Village Missions, Beaver, OR

Matthew & Jessica Oswell
Village Missions, Beaver, OR

Stephanie Oswell
Church Planting Assistance - Poland

Stephanie Oswell
Church Planting Assistance - Poland
- Email:steph.oswell@gmail.com

Jonathan & Christiane Rosheger
Church Planting, Italy

Jonathan & Christiane Rosheger
Church Planting, Italy

Tanner & Brooke Ripley
Church Planting - Poland

Tanner & Brooke Ripley
Church Planting - Poland
- Email:tanner.ripley@rtim.org

Forrest & Esther Smith
Bible College Instructor - Alaska

Forrest & Esther Smith
Bible College Instructor - Alaska
- Email:smith@alaskabible.org

Chad & Stephanie Snyder
Solid Rock Bible Camp

Chad & Stephanie Snyder
Solid Rock Bible Camp
- Email:cssnyder@hotmail.com

Stephen & Stephanie Standridge
TEAM, Italy

Stephen & Stephanie Standridge
TEAM, Italy
- Email:standridgesss@gmail.com

Corey & Sidney Stensberg, Isabelle Monroe
CLG International

Corey & Sidney Stensberg, Isabelle Monroe
CLG International
- Phone:406.586.9782 ext 38
- Email:corey.stensberg@gbcmt.org

Tim & Emily Tanner
Grace Bible Church

Tim & Emily Tanner
Grace Bible Church
- Email:tetannerfamily@gmail.com

Grace Bible Church

Grace Bible Church
- Email:info@gbcmt.org
“The Purpose of Grace Bible Church is to be and make disciples in fulfillment of Matthew 28:18-20 with the result that Psalm 86:9 would be fulfilled, “All the nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and shall glorify Your name.”
The Vision of the Global Outreach Ministry of GBC is understood to include those activities and resources (people, time and finances) related to:
- World-wide propagation of the gospel through outreach, evangelism, and discipleship.
- Encouragement for the training of young and old for outreach service.
- Assistance to meet human needs such as help for the poor, the fatherless, the widows, those disenfranchised by war or natural disaster, imprisonment, etc., in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Antioch Initiative (Ethiopia)
Catalyst for Kids (Ukraine)
Cleft of the Rock (Middle East)
Kilimi Timilifu (Tanzania)
Light of Hope (India)
Spread of Grace (Ethiopia)
CRU (Ukraine)
Evangelical Bible Seminary (Poland)
Gallatin County Sheriff Chaplain
Global Student Outreach (Billings)
Hope of Africa (S. Africa)
North American Indigenous Ministry (NAIM)
Musik Bruken (Austria)
Radius International
SEND North
Solid Rock Bible Camp
The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM)
Village Missions
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Bozeman Prison Ministry
Cribs by Grace
Fathers in the Field
Gallatin Valley Food Bank
Love, In the Name of Christ
Operation Christmas Child
Rodeo Bible Camp
Tools for Schools
Zoe Care
Seth and Brittany Bevans – International Students in Billings, MT
Daniel and Dorota Cichocki – Teaches at Bible Seminary in Poland
Lynda Collison – with TEAM in Swaziland, Librarian/ women’s disciple at a Bible College
Eileen Cox (retired)
Daniel Pappy – Light of Hope Orphanage in India
Brandon and Beth Fischer – SEND pastoring a church in the Alaskan Bush / USA
Corey & Sidney Stensberg and Isabelle Monroe – CrossLife International ministering to International students at MSU
Brett and Michelle Hamilton – with SEND in Poland / Pastors an International Church and is the field director for Eastern Europe
Warren and Donna Hiebert - Gallatin Valley Chaplain and statewide training.
Randy and Sherry Jones – Bozeman Prison Fellowship
Misiker and Meaza Kebede – Spread of Grace Ministries in PA, USA pastoral training and Medical work in Ethiopia
Dereje Kebede - Spread of Grace Church Planter in Ethiopia
Nathan and Kaylee Kelm – Ethnos 360 training center, Camdenton, Missouri
Nikolai and Elena Koval – CRU in Ukraine, leadership training in local churches, marriage seminars, etc.
Heather Lytle - Hope of Africa
Brad and Jeanne Miller – with the NAVs at Colorado State University / USA
Scott and Sherri Morningstar – with NAIM serving part time on MSU Campus to Native students and is a teacher at Montana Bible College / USA
Matt and Jessica Oswell – Rural Church pastorate in Oregon with Village Missions
Jonathan and Christiane Rosheger – CH PL in Italy
Tim and Denise Sieges – Wycliffe USA, heads up counseling department
Chad and Stephanie Snyder – Solid Rock Bible Camp in Alaska, USA
Stephan and Stephanie Standridge - TEAM, Italy
T&E in Tanzania - Holistic Farming
Catherine Watson - RADIUS International, training students to reach unreached people groups
9 Rural Pastors in Ukraine
1 Rural Pastor in Ethiopia
Our Policy and Plan (PDF)
GBC Short-Term Missions and Ministry (PDF)
Global Outreach Crisis Policy (PDF)
GBC Purpose Statement (PDF)
Rationale for a Strategic Plan (PDF)
Global Outreach Strategic Plan Priorities (PDF)
An Overview for Becoming a World Christian (PDF)