How to Become a Member
Why Become a Member?
Church membership is a commitment to serve, attend, love, and submit to a local church. The church is THE primary vehicle Christ uses to grow His people into mature believers. In the New Testament, those who experienced salvation belonged to a local church. It is also a way for individuals and families at Grace to alert the elders that they are committed members of this local body, which the elders have God-given responsibility to shepherd (1 Peter 5:3). According to Hebrews 13:17, elders will one day give an account for this shepherding. In light of this responsibility, it is extremely important for the elders of GBC to know who are the “sheep” that have submitted themselves and their families to spiritual soul care. Therefore, if you are a committed Christ-follower who regularly attends this local fellowship, the elders would like you to please consider becoming a member.
What are the Benefits of Membership?
Service opportunities
Service opportunities. Members at GBC are enabled to serve through various leadership positions including deacon, elder, or as a community group leader.
Theological training
During the membership class, GBC’s doctrinal position (i.e., what we teach from the Word of God) will be explained to equip members to lead in various settings.
Soul Care
The elders and deacons of GBC are committed to intentionally contacting (through phone calls or personal interaction) all members or member families throughout the year to check-in spiritually, take prayer requests, and be notified of any physical or tangible needs that may exist.
Directional Input
Although GBC is an elder-led church, the input of individual members is extremely valued. At the beginning of each year during the annual congregational meeting, the overall direction and budget of the church is presented at the meeting and there are opportunities to discuss the detail and direction of the budget and board nominations.
Facility Use
Generally, members are not required to pay for facility use for weddings, memorials or other approved events. Some charges may apply, for evening or weekend events.
When are Membership Classes?
If you are interested in becoming a member or just finding out more, we run new member classes every year in Spring and Fall, Sunday morning during the second service. Attendance of all three classes is required for church membership. Class topics will include: an explanation of GBC doctrine (i.e. what we believe and teach from the Word of God), membership qualifications and responsibilities, an overview of various church ministries, a summary of the history of GBC, and an explanation of our financial accounts. At some point during the course, you will meet with an elder or deacon to share your testimony of faith in Jesus Christ.
Next classes: March 23rd, 30th, and April 6th in Room 803.
If you are interested, please contact Pastor Derek Marks at 406.586.9782 ext 16 or derekm@gbcmt.org.