Marriage & Parenting
Preparation for Marriage
Can you hear it? The birds are singing.
Do you see it? Nary a cloud in the sky. Love is in the air…
Whoa, whoa, whoa!! You may feel you are head-over-heels in love in the moment. But did you realize that once you get married there are many challenges (as well as joys) that you never considered when you were dating or engaged?
To help address some of these issues, Grace offers a Preparation for Marriage Class twice a year (in Fall and Spring) for engaged couples, dating couples thinking about marriage and even married couples who want to strengthen their marriage God’s way. The class consists of nine lessons, including: Purpose and Goals of Marriage, Expectations, Communication, Honoring One’s Parents, Peacemaking, Finances and Physical Intimacy. The class also involves extensive homework consisting of listening to a sermon series and studying God’s Word on a variety of topics.
For any couple desiring to be married by one of our pastors, this class is a requirement. For more information about the class, please contact Pastor Jeremy Sauskojus at 586-9782, ext. 14.
Parenting Ministry
“Aagh! You wouldn’t BELIEVE what my kids did today!”
Everyone who has been blessed with children (Psalm 127:3) knows that there are challenges to face daily. But are you prepared to face those challenges the way God intended or were you just planning to ‘wing it and hope for the best’? We offer a number of Biblically based parenting classes throughout the year.
For more information, please contact the Joe Schreibeis church office at 586-9782 ext. 16.